Pezinok Wine Festival

On the weekend we took a short bus ride to a town called Pezinok to sample some wine and food at their annual wine festival. Apparently, the "thing" is to drink young wine - a very sweet, very pulpy new wine which continues to ferment in your stomach for a period of time. Too many of these results in total instant drunkeness, potential "digestive troubles" and terrible hangovers. Knowing my abliity to deal with these side effects, I stuck to one glass! And decided to buck up and pay 50 cents as opposed to 10 cents, for a nice glass of regular white wine! They also sold a delicious fried pancake/crepe-like thing called Loksi at every other booth. There were different stages playing traditional type "oomp-pa-pa" music and folk dancing, plus this one strange Slovak Beatles cover band, dressed in matching suits. Cool.
On the way home, our friend John drove us back with a short visit to meet his jack russell puppy - soo cute. I tried to steal little Skippy, but John wasn't having it.
Now it is back to work for the rest of the week and looking forward to my parent's arrival on the 22nd!
See the album "Pezinok Wine Festival" at