New Desk!
My office-mate, Masami, left for another position in Japan, and along with all of her house plants, I have inherited her desk!I can have my lap top AND a binder on the desk at the same time. Actually, I have the office to myself right now - a little lonely to tell you the truth! I'd rather have Masami back with all of her strange Japanese candies she forced on me, and our constant negotiation (always very polite, of course!) over the temperature the AC should be set at. She is a super nice lady and I will miss her! That is one of the difficult things about working here - you get to know some people really well, then their internship/contract is up and they're gone. Paid (wow, now there's a concept!)employees tend to work on monthly/yearly contracts also. But the good thing is that there are always new people to meet.
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