Tuscany, land of the wine...
Landed in Florenzia, which is close to the wine capital of Italy, Tuscany. Great food and markets are found here and a guy who's naked body fetches 8 Euro to see it. Spent 3 days here experiencing the food, wine and shopping and if you haven't guessed it by now there is a pattern forming in my travels. Except I didn't buy anything until I hit the duty free shop at the airport, yes Shannon did like what I got her. Once again and I don't know how but the mosquitoes found me again. Must be all that vibriant blood the Blood Bank of Canada is trying to get a hold of. Suckers. From there I ended my adventure in Venezia where I found out that it was probably the most expensive place in all of Italy. I was lucky enough to find a place called Harry's Pub which some of you literary types might know of as the famous watering hole of Ernest Hemingway. Here you will find rich and famous people enjoying dinner and drinks while discussing their next book or movie, by the way, drinks were 14 Euros and well worth it. Two things that I thought would ever come out of my mouth were, no more wine and I can't wait to get back to Bratislava but they did. I head to London on the 14 of December then spend the weekend in Paris with Shane and wait for Shannon to arrive on the 23rd to celebrate Christmas. Merry Christmas Canada.
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